Lose The Thoughts Keep The Mind

Latoya D Newton Independently Published

Beat Anxiety, Find Happiness, Embrace Your Authentic Self! Anxiety. Ooh, it's a hot mess. Overthinking can cause nervousness that affects our lives in so many different ways. The intrusive thoughts take control of our minds, and we can't separate ourselves from them. Anxiety can get so bad that we don't even recognize ourselves-not to mention how exhausting it is! But the thoughts in our minds aren't always the actual reality. With the right tools, we can stop them from overpowering us. We were born to be beautiful and magnificent, but we can't do that when we surround ourselves with negative energy. Lose The Thoughts Keep The Mind is a resource for dealing with anxiety and overthinking. With practical tips and friendly advice, this book will take you by the hand and gently guide you to self-love, compassion, and acceptance. You'll learn about self-care, inner freedom, and how to live your life fully. This book has everything you need to become a calm, confident, and emotionally intelligent person. In Lose The Thoughts Keep The Mind, you'll discover: How anxiety can hold you hostage in your own body How to go to war with an anxiety disorder and become mentally healthy The reason God chose anxiety as part of His plan for your life Why acceptance is the vital first step in the battle against anxiety How to stop fearing anxiety and allow it to teach you strength Methods to stop overthinking, both in the moment and permanently Self-care practices to maintain your health and enhance your wellbeing How to date, fall in love, and maintain relationships as a person with anxiety Ways to let go of the past and embrace what it taught you Tips to stay sane when the world is going crazy, especially post-2020 How to free yourself from anxiety and take charge of your mental health ... and much more! Anxiety may be a powerful opponent, but we all have the power to defeat it. We will make it, and we will rise. Life can be hard, but in the end, victory may just be about living our lives fully. No matter your age, race, or sex, Lose The Thoughts Keep The Mind is the perfect guide to help you stop overthinking. Who could you be if you were no longer an anxious person? Step into the best version of yourself. Scroll up and one-click Lose The Thoughts Keep The Mind now!

ISBN10 : 9798468547441 , ISBN13 :

Page Number : 98

Live Free

DeVon Franklin HarperCollins

The bestselling author returns with his biggest book yet in which he teaches us the secret to living a happier life: get rid of as many expectations as possible—of ourselves, our future, our relationships, our career and our family. Expectations are the secret software, running on the hardware of our minds, controlling our emotions, decisions, and actions. How? Think about your life. How much of the sadness you feel derives from what you think should have happened—than with what actually happened? Think about your career. How much of the discontent you feel comes from your belief about where you’d be at this point—than with the progress you’ve actually made? Think about your relationships. How much of your dissatisfaction with friends, family, significant others, or spouses has to do with your unspoken presumptions—than with the people themselves? Having so many expectations is distorting your perspective, decreasing your happiness and disrupting your joy. You can live a life of true freedom, greater peace and less stress: release as many expectations as possible. This, DeVon Franklin argues, is the secret to a better life now. In a culture obsessed with more, Live Free is a bold counterintuitive book that can start a cultural revolution, Franklin contends. Everyone struggles with unnecessary expectations. But once you learn to let go of them, you can set the stage for the life you’ve always wanted.

ISBN10 : 9780063031197 , ISBN13 : 0063031191

Page Number : 172

Feminist Af A Guide To Crushing Girlhood

Brittney Cooper WW Norton

A Kirkus Reviews Best Children's Book of 2021 Hip-hop and feminism combine in this empowering guide with attitude, from best-selling author Brittney Cooper and founding members of the Crunk Feminist Collective. Loud and rowdy girls, quiet and nerdy girls, girls who rock naturals, girls who wear weave, outspoken and opinionated girls, girls still finding their voice, queer girls, trans girls, and gender nonbinary young people who want to make the world better: Feminist AF uses the insights of feminism to address issues relevant to today’s young womxn. What do you do when you feel like your natural hair is ugly, or when classmates keep touching it? How do you handle your self-confidence if your family or culture prizes fair-skinned womxn over darker-skinned ones? How do you balance your identities if you’re an immigrant or the child of immigrants? How do you dress and present yourself in ways that feel good when society condemns anything outside of the norm? Covering colorism and politics, romance and pleasure, code switching, and sexual violence, Feminist AF is the empowering guide to living your feminism out loud.

ISBN10 : 9781324005063 , ISBN13 : 1324005068

Page Number : 240