Biogerontolog A

Dámaso Crespo Santiago Ed. Universidad de Cantabria

Desde un enfoque bio-psico-social la Biogerontología se encarga del estudio de los procesos que subyacen y/o regulan el envejecimiento, desde el nivel molecular hasta el del organismo. Sus quince capítulos se corresponden con las lecciones de la asignatura del mismo nombre que se imparte en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Cantabria. Con este tratado se pone a disposición del lector una parte importante del conocimiento disponible acerca del proceso de envejecimiento en los seres vivos, y responde a la realidad del aumento de esperanza de vida en nuestra sociedad.

ISBN10 : 8481029947 , ISBN13 : 9788481029949

Page Number : 414

Al Hilo Del Tiempo

Dámaso de Lario Ramírez Universitat de València

Al hilo del tiempo recoge los artículos publicados por el autor en los últimos treinta años, estructurados en torno a sus dos principales preocupaciones historiográficas: las Cortes, en especial las del Reino de Valencia, y la burocracia de la España Imperial. La primera parte sitúa las Cortes valencianas en el contexto de la península ibérica y de los parlamentos europeos, y se explican los momentos y circunstancias que llevaron al País Valenciano a aceptar la propuesta de la Unión de Armas del Conde Duque de Olivares en las Cortes de 1626. La segunda parte analiza la función de los colegios mayores españoles como instituciones de mecenazgo para la educación de las elites burocráticas del imperio español y el papel que el Colegio español de Bolonia (Italia) juega en esa dinámica. En la parte final se apuntan temas poco conocidos de una España que todavía conservaba un imperio, como los intentos frustrados de crear una colonia penal española y los esfuerzos de Rafael Altamira en la creación del «americanismo» español. El autor nos invita, por último, a repensar, en base a la experiencia del pasado, la relación de los dos países ibéricos: España y Portugal.

ISBN10 : 8437059216 , ISBN13 : 9788437059211

Page Number : 340

Abbott Awaits

Chris Bachelder LSU Press

A quiet tour de force, Chris Bachelder's Abbott Awaits transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, startlingly depicting the intense and often heartbreaking challenges that a vulnerable, imaginative young father faces as he lives his everyday American existence.The vexation of Abbott's pensive self-doubt comes to a head one day as he cleans vomited raspberries out of his daughter's car seat and muses: "The following propositions are both true: (A) Abbott would not, given the opportunity, change one significant element of his life, but (B) Abbott cannot stand his life." Composed of small moments of domestic wonder and terror Bachelder's novel is a charming story of misadventure, anxiety, and the every-day battles.

ISBN10 : 9780807140208 , ISBN13 : 0807140201

Page Number : 192

Prisoner 155

Agustín Comotto

A legendary life: Ukranian expat, assassin, prisoner, and Spanish Revolution veteran, who died a factory worker in Mexico City.

ISBN10 : 1849353026 , ISBN13 : 9781849353021

Page Number : 273

They Hanged My Saintly Billy

Robert Graves Rosetta Books

The author of I, Claudius tells the tale of a notorious nineteenth-century poisoner: “A must for true-crime addicts” (Kirkus Reviews). A self-confessed forger, cheat, thief, and petty criminal, William Palmer was also a surgeon and a racehorse owner during the Victorian era who doped horses, fixed races, philandered unapologetically, and generally behaved as an all-around rogue. But the crime for which he was condemned was altogether more serious: poisoning numerous members of his family as well as a close friend. Based on the historic trial of a man characterized as a sociopath and a serial killer, Robert Graves tells the story of a man who was deeply flawed but ultimately not beyond redemption. They Hanged My Saintly Billy is brimming with humor, emotion, and social commentary. Told through the eyes of both friends and enemies, Palmer comes to life as a not-unsympathetic antihero.

ISBN10 : 9780795337116 , ISBN13 : 0795337116

Page Number : 335

Regarding Tilly

María J. Funes UPA

Studying Charles Tilly (1929–2008), American sociologist, historian and political scientist, is essential for understanding political change and social conflict. His research focuses on how grassroots populations, through different forms of collective action, influence historical events by trying to improve the conditions of people's lives. This book is not only an homage to Tilly, but is also aimed at understanding and applying his thought. In each chapter, the authors, experts on Tilly's work, examine his concepts, theories, and methodological contributions, providing a richer understanding of them. In addition, this book is very contemporary. From the beginning of this century, mainly from 2011, important popular mobilizations, such as the Arab Spring and 15-M or “los indignados” (the indignant movement in Spain), gradually spread to other countries (the US, Yemen, Israel, etc.) in successive “Occupy” movements. The political mobilization of the grassroots movements are undergoing a resurgence, a process that Tilly would have wanted to study. This book can be a good guide for analyzing and understanding these movements.

ISBN10 : 9780761867852 , ISBN13 : 0761867856

Page Number : 314