Body Kindness

Rebecca Scritchfield Hachette UK

A new way to get healthy, with happiness and self-empathy at its core. No more yo-yo diets, punishing workouts, and scolding voices in your head; instead, work with your body (not against it) to change habits with joy and energy.

ISBN10 : 9780761189756 , ISBN13 : 0761189750

Page Number : 493

Nutrition Counseling And Education Skills A Guide For Professionals

Betsy B. Holli Jones & Bartlett Learning

Now in vibrant full color, this updated Seventh Edition of Holli’s best-selling Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals helps students develop the communications, counseling, interviewing, motivational, and professional skills they’ll need as Registered Dietitian professionals. Throughout the book, the authors focus on effective nutrition interventions, evidence-based theories and models, clinical nutrition principles, and knowledge of behavioral science and educational approaches. Packed with activities, case studies, and self-assessment questions, the Seventh Edition features new content that reflects the latest changes in the field, new online videos that bring nutrition counseling techniques to life, and a powerful array of new and enhanced in-text and online learning tools.

ISBN10 : 9781284456882 , ISBN13 : 1284456889

Page Number : 460

Eat To Love

Jenna Hollenstein Lionheart Press, a division of the Open Heart Project

A joyful, non-diet approach to mindfulness, intuitive eating, and falling in love with the body you live in. In Eat to Love, nutritionist Jenna Hollenstein leads a spiritual revolution against pervasive attitudes towards food and dieting, and demonstrates how to free your mind from the fear, frustration, and shame often associated with eating. Through a series of revelatory exercises, along with simple instructions for time-proven mindfulness and meditation techniques, you’ll learn to identify prejudices around eating and reset your relationship with food. Eat to Love is not a diet book, not a “clean eating” manual, and not a guide to “being your best self.” Rather, it is a liberating path to sanity, and to loving the body you have right now. Since early childhood, many of us have heard that something is wrong with our bodies: with the way they look, the way they feel and the food we crave. This diet culture—surrounding us in the form of media, fashion, food trends, and even messages from friends and family—tells us that the only way to be happy is to be thin and to rigidly follow the latest eating dogma. Eat to Love challenges this insidious, pervasive messaging and resets your relationship with food from one that’s shameful to one that’s nourishing, liberating, and enriching.

ISBN10 : 9781732277649 , ISBN13 : 1732277648

Page Number : 314


Connie Sobczak GŸrze Books

Embody: A Guide to Celebrating Your Unique Body (and quieting that critical voice!) brings to life the work of The Body Positive, a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, LCSW. This book’s message is rooted in the philosophy that people inherently possess the wisdom necessary to make healthy choices and to live in balance. It emphasizes that self-love, acceptance of genetic diversity in body size, celebration of the unique beauty of every individual, and intuitive self-care are fundamental to achieving good physical and emotional health. It encourages readers to shift their focus away from ineffective, harmful weight-loss efforts towards improving and sustaining positive self-care behaviors. Initial research indicates that this work significantly improves people’s ability to regulate eating, decreases depression and anxiety, and increases self-esteem—all critical resources that promote resiliency against eating and body image problems. Embody guides readers step-by-step through the five core competencies of the Body Positive’s model: Reclaim Health, Practice Intuitive Self-Care, Cultivate Self-Love, Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty, and Build Community. These competencies are fundamental skills anyone can practice on a daily basis to honor their innate wisdom and take good care of their whole selves because they are motivated by self-love and appreciation. Rather than dictating a prescriptive set of rules to follow, readers are guided through patient, mindful inquiry to find what works uniquely in their own lives to bring about—and sustain—positive self-care changes and a peaceful relationship with their bodies. Through workshops, lectures, and leadership trainings, Sobczak and Scott have helped thousands of people of all sizes, ages, sexual orientations, genders, ethnicities, and socioeconomic levels to lead healthier and more meaningful lives by learning how to cherish their unique bodies—no small task given today’s barrage of thin images and emphasis on dieting. Embody offers practical tools as well as personal stories to bring Sobczak and Scott’s work into one’s own life. It is a resource that can be read cover to cover as well as revisited time again while moving through the inevitable changes that come with personal growth. A lifeboat in the sea of messages that demean the bodies of both men and women, Embody is a safe haven for all.

ISBN10 : 9780936077819 , ISBN13 : 0936077816

Page Number : 288

Eat What You Love

Michelle May Greenleaf Book Group

May helps you rediscover when, what, and how much to eat without restrictive rules. You'll learn the truth about nutrition and how to stop using exercise to earn the right to eat. You'll finally experience the pleasure of eating the foods you love-- without guilt or binging.

ISBN10 : 9781608320035 , ISBN13 : 1608320030

Page Number : 418

Body Respect

Linda Bacon BenBella Books, Inc.

Mainstream health science has let you down. Weight loss is not the key to health, diet and exercise are not effective weight-loss strategies and fatness is not a death sentence. You've heard it before: there's a global health crisis, and, unless we make some changes, we're in trouble. That much is true—but the epidemic is NOT obesity. The real crisis lies in the toxic stigma placed on certain bodies and the impact of living with inequality—not the numbers on a scale. In a mad dash to shrink our bodies, many of us get so caught up in searching for the perfect diet, exercise program, or surgical technique that we lose sight of our original goal: improved health and well-being. Popular methods for weight loss don't get us there and lead many people to feel like failures when they can't match unattainable body standards. It's time for a cease-fire in the war against obesity. Dr. Linda Bacon and Dr. Lucy Aphramor's Body Respect debunks common myths about weight, including the misconceptions that BMI can accurately measure health, that fatness necessarily leads to disease, and that dieting will improve health. They also help make sense of how poverty and oppression—such as racism, homophobia, and classism—affect life opportunity, self-worth, and even influence metabolism. Body insecurity is rampant, and it doesn't have to be. It's time to overcome our culture's shame and distress about weight, to get real about inequalities and health, and to show every body respect.

ISBN10 : 9781940363196 , ISBN13 : 1940363195

Page Number : 234

Pursuing Perfection

Margo Maine Routledge

In Pursuing Perfection, authors Margo Maine and Joe Kelly explore the emotional, social and cultural factors behind the ongoing epidemic of disordered eating and body image despair in adult women at midlife and beyond. Written from a biopsychosocial and feminist perspective, Pursuing Perfection describes the many issues women encounter as they navigate a rapidly changing culture that promotes unhealthy standards for beauty and appearance. This updated and expanded edition (originally published as The Body Myth: Adult Women and the Pressure to Be Perfect) is a unique guide for anyone seeking practical tools and strategies for adult women looking to establish health and body acceptance.

ISBN10 : 9781317487906 , ISBN13 : 1317487907

Page Number : 235