
Peggy Klaus Hachette UK

It is well-documented that working hard isn't enough to keep your professional star rising: Self-promotion is recognized as one of the most important attributes for getting ahead.

ISBN10 : 9780446550314 , ISBN13 : 0446550310

Page Number : 224

Communicate With Confidence

Dianna Booher McGraw-Hill. Reprinted by Booher Research Institute

Do you need to sell a new idea to your boss? Handle a sticky problem with a colleague? Calm an irate customer? Good news! You'll never be at a loss for words after reading Communicate With Confidence! In this book, you’ll find 1,254 tips to improve your interpersonal and communication skills! You’ll learn how to: · Establish credibility and show concern · Master the art of small talk to connect with colleagues, customers, and friends · Transition from criticizing to coaching your employees and coworkers · Listen so you really hear what others say to you—their meaning, not just their words · Negotiate so that everybody feels like a winner · Give clear instructions · Give and receive usable feedback · Ask appropriate questions and answer questions appropriately to gain cooperation · Present ideas persuasively · Communicate clearly and productively across gender and cultural lin · Say “no” to opportunities and activities while leaving the relationship intact · Read body language accurately so that you don’t miss subtle messages · Speak up in meetings to get credit for your ideas and other contributions · Lead effective meetings so that your group achieves results rather than wastes time · Give advice that people really appreciate and use. · Solicit specific advice that’s usable without listening to people ramble off target. · Settle ongoing conflicts that reduce your overall stress This broad-ranging communication skills book will provide very specific tips, tactics, and examples to improve communication skills for the novice or seasoned communicator. Whether you’re hoping to improve communication skills at work or in your personal relationships, you’ll find techniques that truly work in your day-to-day activities and interactions. Masterful interpersonal communication skills make the huge difference in successful large organizations as well as in entrepreneurial ventures. Author, speaker, and coach Dianna Booher shares the same in-depth insights that she offers to her Fortune 500 clients during keynotes and workshops on communication. As founder and CEO of Booher Research, she’s an internationally recognized leadership communication and executive presence expert. As the author of 49 books, she has published with Penguin Random House/Perigee, HarperCollins, Warner, McGraw-Hill, and Thomas Nelson.

ISBN10 : 9781935124559 , ISBN13 : 1935124552

Page Number : 575

Grow A Pair

Larry Winget Penguin

The straight-talking, New York Times bestselling author and Pitbull of Personal Development® is back with a pithy and prescriptive guide to success. A five-time bestselling author and one of the country’s leading business speakers, Larry has made a reputation for being the first to challenge the positive-attraction gurus and the law-of-attraction bozos with his commonsense approach to success. Larry doesn’t sugar-coat, and he isn’t afraid to make people uncomfortable, because he wants us to stop making excuses, and start getting results. In Grow a Pair, Larry takes on entitlement culture, the self-help movement, political correctness, and more. We’ve all heard the phrase “grow a pair,” but Larry’s advice isn’t about anatomy— it’s about attitude. To get the success we want, we need to reject victimhood in favor of being assertive and finally taking some responsibility. With prescriptive advice on goal achieving, career, personal finance, and more, Grow a Pair will give the readers the kick in the pants they need.

ISBN10 : 9780698138612 , ISBN13 : 0698138619

Page Number : 160

Face To Face

Susan RoAne Simon and Schuster

Whether it's handling office politics, turning small talk into BIG TALK, finding a mentor, or conducting successful business deals over meals, Susan RoAne offers tips to interact and connect with ease and confidence in shared social space. Email, texting, BlackBerry, Facebook: more and more, technology dominates our communication. We are often tuning out those around us—to the point of emailing the person at the next desk or surreptitiously checking our BlackBerrys during a meeting. Practical and eminently readable, Face to Face belongs in every handbag or briefcase to help today's professionals succeed in the workplace and the public space.

ISBN10 : 9781416561651 , ISBN13 : 141656165X

Page Number : 290

Creating Personal Presence

Dianna Booher Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Personal presence is difficult to define but easy to recognize. People with presence carry themselves in a way that turns heads. When they talk, people listen. When they ask, people answer. When they lead, people follow. Personal presence can help you get a date, a mate, a job, or a sale. It can help you lead a meeting, a movement, or an organization. Presence is not something you’re born with—anyone can learn these skills, habits, and traits. Award-winning speaker and consultant Dianna Booher shows how to master dozens of small and significant things that work together to convey presence. She details how body language, manners, and even your surroundings enhance credibility and build rapport. You’ll learn to use voice and language to demonstrate competence, deliver clear and memorable messages, and master emotions. You’ll learn to think strategically, organize ideas coherently, and convey to others genuine interest, integrity, respect, and reliability. Take her self-assessment to measure your progress. With Dianna Booher’s expert, entertaining advice, you can have the same kind of influence as the most successful CEOs, celebrities, and civic leaders. "

ISBN10 : 9781609940133 , ISBN13 : 160994013X

Page Number : 228

Presentation Zen

Garr Reynolds Pearson Education

FOREWORD BY GUY KAWASAKI Presentation designer and internationally acclaimed communications expert Garr Reynolds, creator of the most popular Web site on presentation design and delivery on the Net — — shares his experience in a provocative mix of illumination, inspiration, education, and guidance that will change the way you think about making presentations with PowerPoint or Keynote. Presentation Zen challenges the conventional wisdom of making "slide presentations" in today’s world and encourages you to think differently and more creatively about the preparation, design, and delivery of your presentations. Garr shares lessons and perspectives that draw upon practical advice from the fields of communication and business. Combining solid principles of design with the tenets of Zen simplicity, this book will help you along the path to simpler, more effective presentations.

ISBN10 : 9780321601896 , ISBN13 : 0321601890

Page Number : 316